Ireland's eminent GP and internationally acclaimed author, Dr. Harry Barry.
Here is an interesting Podcast with Dr. Harry Barry, GP and author taken from today's radio program hosted by Sean O'Rourke on Ireland's RTE Radio 1 today.
In it, Dr. Barry talks about the area of Emotional Resilience, which of course is a close cousin to Mental Toughness and having a Growth Mindset. He gives a number of useful tips and perspectives on what is an essential skill to develop for life in the modern world.
He mentions such things as: Resilience is a skill, how to be your own expert, the benefit of writing down your challenges or difficulties, having an open mind (Growth Mindset), unconditional self acceptance, developing social skills as part of building Resilience. In short, he is promoting his new book: Emotional Resilience.
Enjoy the podcast - let me know any comments or questions that you have!
And as always, if you would like to know more about how to develop your Emotional Resilience, Mental Toughness, or a positive Growth Mindset, get in touch for a no obligation chat.
Simply send me an email at or send me a message through LinkedIn or Facebook.